Búsqueda por: universidad ricardo palma
3,259 artículos
2415-2153, 2413-9696
Jacinto Pazos, Pedro
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Túpac Amaru y Andrés de Santa Cruz son personajes que quedaron rezagados por el rigor de un mundo criollo que no podía dejar caer sus privilegios y fortunas comerciales y mercantiles. Desde luego, impuestos, tributos y repartos implicaban a distintos grupos étnicos, y Túpac Amaru aglutinó esa plurietnicidad por estas causas. Por su parte, Santa Cruz tuvo grandes enemigos en el pensamiento criollo, cuya denostación marcaba los signos racistas coloniales, ya con los inicios de la era republicana. En el proyecto de la Confederación Perú-Boliviana, fuerzas externas advertían un macropoder que se organizaba, en tanto el entorno limeño criollo veía una propuesta de un militar extranjero ajena a sus intereses, por lo cual la llevaron a su derrota.
2415-2153, 2413-9696
Arroyo Laguna, Eduardo
Universidad Ricardo Palma
En gran medida, la visión que los peruanos tienen sobre Chile y los chilenos están muy marcadas por la Guerra del Pacífico, la que ha dejado heridas que aún no cicatrizan, acrecentadas por la actitud de supuesta superioridad del vecino país del sur.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Quispe Pérez, Alfonso Sebastián; Vela Gamboa, Vela Gamboa; Huamaní Navarrete, Pedro Freddy
This article describes the procedure for implementing a graphical user interface using the App Designer development environment and the Signal Processing Toolbox of Matlab software, to reinforce the teaching of analysis in the domain of time and frequency of periodic and typical signals used in the subject Digital Signal Processing, which belongs to the Electronic Engineering Program of the Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. Likewise, said interface was developed using various components such as DropDown, Button, Knob, Axes, Slider, among others, which allowed the choice of the type of signal from a list, choice of the sampling frequency and the percentage of overlap as well as the size of the window to segment the temporary signal, and in the same way the temporal, frequency and temporal graphic representation- frequency. In this way, the source code of the implementation of the graphical interface is shared with the students in order to reinforce the teaching process during the classes taught in the Computer Laboratory of the Faculty of Engineering, allowing them to interact directly with the graphical interface and manipulate it with the interest of changing the number and type of signals or updating the parameters of digitization and frequency analysis. Finally, four simulation results are presented that correspond to the choice of different periodic signals, with or without noise and DC signal, as well as different sampling frequencies and percentage of overlap.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Velásquez Hidalgo, Oswaldo; Yábar Torres, Guisela; Villena Mavila, Manuel; Gómez Ávalos, Juan Carlos; Chirinos Rueda, Luis Alberto
Lurin is one of the receiving areas of the urban expansion of Metropolitan Lima with protected natural areas, archaeological heritage of long tradition and important for Lima and Peru, with tourist circuits, whose territorial wealth is also constituted by the southern coastal strip of Lima, providing by its location and extension, richness of flora and fauna of terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The objective of the research is to analyze the urban image and through this, the effect on the quality of life of the inhabitants of Lurin, The methodology is non-experimental design basic type, explanatory level. Results. The analysis of the surveys allows us to verify the lack of knowledge of the population on aspects related to the importance of the image of their area of residence and its impact on the quality of life of the inhabitants. Conclusions. The lack of planning is an important factor for an urban image integrated by elements such as identity, formal diversity, visual alternatives, orientation, clarity in access and circulation, affecting the quality of the urban image, which is deteriorating. The urban image plays an important role, because through it, mental, visual and objective integration of the city or space is generated, because when all the elements that integrate it are clearly configured, it can affect the comfort and in general the welfare of people, due to deficient basic services, mainly water, sewage, environmental quality, as well as economic and cultural factors.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Jacinto, Pedro
Solamente quiero indicar las breves imagenes históricas que nos llevan a mirar un pueblo, hoy día, en plena guerra o en conflicto, donde los espacios parecen hacernos sentir, una historia y una ficción que en realidad, de ésta última no tiene nada. Es la ciudad, o sus pueblos donde se encontraba hasta bien entrado los inicios del siglo veinte, un panorama de pasividad, de tranquilidad y hasta de solidaridad con los ciudadanos del mundo, que de alguna manera visitaban estos lares. Palestina, en realidad Gaza, era de esos pueblos que con, su gente, su religión y su cultura formaban parte de una idiosincracia donde la civilización no llegaba a la muerte en la que la vemos envuelto hoy en día. Los ojos del mundo siguen de cerca como se destruye la vida, la sociedad y la cultura. No es una cuestión de mundos religiosos en conflicto, es la vida, el ser humano desde sus ámbitos de supervivencia los que hacen que el mundo, ya no mire la civilización como parte de los seres humanos en convivencia, sino como seres que llevan tras de sí las grandes miserias desde el lado opuesto que la naturaleza les ha creado. Los animales no humanos desde los primates hasta las sociedades de las hormigas, han hecho su supervivencia a su manera y, lo siguen resistiendo con las formas de vida que la misma naturaleza les provee. El ser humano no. Ha hecho de su modo de vida, una cultura de la muerte. Ha naturalizado la muerte desde el exterminio. Pero no porque la muerte nos gane, sino porque la materia fetichista sobre la cual nos formamos y sobrevivimos, implica ser parte de ese sistema y de esa infrahumanidad que solo observa la naturaleza y la vida como parte de la expoliación a la que se puede someter el mundo y su humanidad: el poder del capital.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Blanco Obregón, Jaziel Martin; Damian Núñez, Edgar Froilan
The present work is the summary of the research carried out at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, where the objective was to determine the impact of the educational institution of origin; individual or state, in the performance for the admission exam, for which an instrument composed of three sections was developed: short questions, measurement scale type questions and the semi-structured interview. The instrument was applied, through 148 entrants to the National University of San Marcos in the period 2023 - II, the selection of the participants was through non-probabilistic free-hand sampling; Among the main findings, it was determined that there is a significant impact on those entering the UNMSM; Private educational institutions have a significant impact on the academic development of students, while state educational institutions have a privilege in soft skills and emotional intelligence; Therefore, these last new students are better prepared to face situations of stress, pressure or where persistence is needed.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Benites Medina, Marcela; Luque Velarde, Martha; Palomino Paz, Lilly del Pilar
The COVID 19 pandemic made visible the structural problems of our society, one of the main ones being the precarious conditions of women’s work, in this sense, the article analyzes the access and use of women from the popular sectors to virtuality to carry out their work activities and communicate with their environment. The study population is made up of 173 working women from 18 to 55 years of age, dependent and independent from the popular sectors of Metropolitan Lima; to capture information on their sociodemographic characteristics, the type of paid and unpaid work, access and use of the Internet, the type of work carried out, and work communication. The information was statistically analyzed using the SPSS. The results indicate that the majority of working women had an Internet connection at home, the cell phone was the most used technological device for work, family and amical communication. Most of the working women are dependent (59.5%), however, there is a significant percentage of independent (40.5%); both worked mainly face-to-face, thus evidencing the high risk of contagion to which working women and their families were exposed.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Guzmán Juárez, Miguel
From the field work carried out in the lower valley of Cañete, with special attention to the settlements of greatest architectural relevance belonging to the Huarco manor and reused by the Inca societies in the expansion of the Tawantinsuyu, the planning criteria used for the location, location, spatial distribution, design and construction, with the corresponding transformations of the territory, which implies an awareness of vital needs and forms of subsistence, as well as a deep knowledge of local ecological cycles. The sites of Cerro Azul, Cerro de Oro, Canchari and Ungara stand out, on which their main characteristics are presented, relevant in terms of the articulation with the particular territories and their correlation with the environmental conditions and the cyclicity of astronomical phenomena. With this accumulation of social experiences, architecture becomes social memory, and many of its spaces and the logic of their organization have deep contents of rituality, sacredness and symbolism, supported by Andean cosmologies.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Huamán Talavera, Ananías Máximo
Female participation in the field of Curanderism has been a space that transcends the single contemporary reality of this tradition. Over the years, peruvian curanderism has received numerous religious, cultural, and practical influences from various regions of the world. In Peru, female curanderism has represented a health response option in the absence or lack of conventional medical services. This study has been carried out based on the life history of nine healers from different areas of Peru, considering female participation, inclusion and the gender gap in Peruvian curanderism and The analysis presents information that covers the issue of gender, such as the acceptance and healing obtaining of female prestige within curanderism and the inclusion of technological strategies in the curanderism practice.