Búsqueda por: universidad ricardo palma
3,259 artículos
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Lust, Jan
Peru remains an underdeveloped country, although in recent decadesthe real Gross Domestic Product has increased substantially. The countrycannot develop if the structural conditions of underdevelopment have notbeen eliminated. One of the main reasons for Peru’s underdevelopment isthe country’s role in the globalized capitalist world as a provider of natural resources for economic development in the global north. This role is not theconsequence of their possession of abundant raw materials necessary forcapitalist development in this area, but rather the historical result of havingtheir own (capitalist) development disrupted by colonial exploitation andoppression. The current economic development model is closely relatedto Peru’s role in the international division of labor. The country’s economicand business structures are, in part, internal expressions of the country’sfunction in the globalized capitalist world. These economic and businessstructures do not allow economic progress and make current economicdevelopment unsustainable. The Peruvian State is a dependent capitaliststate, which has the general characteristics of the capitalist state and thecharacteristics that are a product of the country’s role in the capitalist worldsystem and the dependent nature of its economy. The main function ofthe dependent capitalist state is to reproduce the basic conditions for thefunctioning of the dependent national capitalist system.
1993-422X, 2519-5743
Mejía Navarrete, Julio
The article presents an approach to the major trends of social inequality inPeru. Latin America is the most polarized region in the world. The country isimmersed in an intense process of reclassification of the population, beingconfigured with the ethnic-racial permanence imposed by the colony andthe disparities of neoliberal globalization, to reproduce an interdefined pat-tern of classes, racialization and gender that outline the greatest inequalitiesfrom the country.
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Esta investigación estudia el impacto de la crisis de la posguerra con Chile en el teatro costumbrista post bellum, a través de la obra teatral de tres comediógrafos: Acisclo Villarán (1841-1927), Abelardo Gamarra (1852-1924) y Manuel Moncloa y Covarrubias (1859-1911); considerando al teatro costumbrista como la expresión artística privilegiada de esta crisis post bellum. Se analizan y describen los cambios y continuidades que se produjeron desde una perspectiva comparada, principalmente con el tipo de costumbrismo que se cultivó durante el periodo ante bellum o de inicio de la guerra (década de 1870).
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Universidad Ricardo Palma
The present essay analyzes how left-wing intellectuals and those related to it employ and deploy the concepts of autochthony, autonomy, and dependence according to current interests, aiming to demonstrate that Peruvian identity is embodied in the prehispanic past, especially in the incaian age. They create an idealized image of the prehispanic period, oversimplyfing Peruvian history. According to this narrative, Peru experienced autonomy prior to the Spain arrival, to later fall into a dependence that persists on the country. Consequently, true independence of the country is demanded, where the primary role is assigned to the indigenous population, to the detriment of the other Peruvian ethnicities.
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Ramírez Aguilar, Juan Delfín
Universidad Ricardo Palma
This article aims to bring us closer to the political imagination of Peru in the first half of the 20th century through the lines of thought of José Carlos Mariátegui and Víctor Andrés Belaúnde. Therefore, this research attempts to approach the construction of contemporary Peru through the ideas of two intellectuals of the generation of 900 who continued to open the debate on modernity in Peru aimed at conceiving in the deepening of knowledge of the reality of a country run by an oligarchy that prevented any inclusion in the collective imagination of the nation. For this reason, many intellectuals have tried to influence the way our country is perceived and understood
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Rodríguez Aldana , Christian
Universidad Ricardo Palma
El reciente texto del historiador Gustavo Montoya Rivas que pasaremos a reseñar a continuación, sólo pudo ser escrito por un profesional que cuenta con un vasto conocimiento del proceso independentista y desde un claro hilo conductor: el control sobre la plebe. Al respecto, existen investigadores que se han atribuido ser los descubridores de eso que se llama la “la independencia controlada” y algunos otros hasta llegan a atribuirse una coautoría que no existe, debido a que no cuentan con estudios realizados o desarrollados desde este tipo de enfoque. No hablaremos de la cantidad de capítulos que tiene el texto, de la temática desarrollada en cada uno de ellos ni mucho menos intentaremos parafrasear a Alberto Flores Galindo o a Jorge Basadre para señalar la importancia de una obra que estudia a los “otros”, esos “otros” que a nadie le interesa poner en relieve.
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Plasencia Soto, Rommel
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Ayllus del Sol. Anarquismo y Utopía Andina del reconocido historiador Wilfredo Kapsoli acaba de ser reeditada este año de 2023 en su versión facsimilar. Publicada originalmente en 1980 en pleno auge de discusión de la utopía andina como herramienta historiográfica, había sido ya reeditada en una segunda edición por la fenecida Asamblea Nacional de Rectores (ANR) en 2010.
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Kapsoli Escudero, Wilfredo
Universidad Ricardo Palma
In this essay, the author rereads Sánchez's work, historically contextualizing the novel with its main protagonists and actions carried out in favor of Peruvian independence. In this work the figures of Simón Bolívar, Manuelita Sáenz, José de San Martín and José Antonio de Sucre stand out. Guerrillas from the central mountains such as Ignacio Quispe Ninavilca, Isidoro Villar, José Antonio Manrique and Fray Bruno Terreros, a Franciscan priest who commanded a guerrilla in Jauja and later joined the liberating army, also act in different roles.
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Ward, Thomas
Universidad Ricardo Palma
Manuel Guerra ha publicado su tercer libro de ficción, Fatum, en dos hermosas ediciones (2018, 2021) pero este, a diferencia de las novelas Trasiegos (2013) y La copa de la muerte (2016), constituye una colección de cuentos, veinte cuatro de ellos, para decirlo con exactitud. Los relatos son de extensión variada. “Detectives de oficina”, tiene veinte páginas, “Fatum”, el que le brinda su título a la colección, siete, mientras “Arte poética” es de una. “Complicidad” es un microcuento de cuatro renglones
2519-5751, 2073-6150
Terreros Roldan, Daniella
Universidad Ricardo Palma
During the 1920s, the multiple social and economic changes that linked women to the world of work and participation in public life led to a great transformation of clothing. It gave way to the emergence of garçonne fashion, and with it, a simple and functional clothing proposal considered “masculinized”. Indeed, it will be a dress practice personified in an image of a transgressive woman. This female, criticized for her behavior and fashions, will be seen as a usurper of male privileges; as well as branded as independent, superficial and carefree about the domestic and family environment. By the way, from the newspapers, magazines and photographs of the time, it is intended to illustrate a context where these Lima garçonnes abandoned envisioning an "adventurous security" from their reading of fashion as a form of social expression and a space for negotiation of cultural freedoms and social roles.