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ISSN: 2310-2799

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3,259 artículos

Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Abelenda, Virginia
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
The consumer must also be clearly aware that today the purchase of reams of white paper implies the felling of trees, consequently, an attitude of "sustainable consumption" according to the preferred definition for the term proposed at the Oslo Symposium in 1994 and adopted by the third session of the United Nations Commission for Sustainable Development (CSD III) in 1995, where it was defined as: "The use of goods and services that respond to basic needs and provide a better quality of life, at the same time that minimize the use of natural resources, toxic materials, and emissions of waste and pollutants over the life cycle, in such a way that the needs of future generations are not jeopardized", a definition that is also connected with the most common internationally. of "sustainable development" which is used by the Brundtland Commission: "Sustainable development is that development that meets present needs without jeopardizing the ability of future generations to meet their own needs" (WCED, 1987:43), it would be, among others, the implementation of actions so that these destroyed trees are compulsorily replaced by others.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Mesa Acostto, Carlos Enrique
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
In this article, the President of the Supreme Military Police Court analyzes ruling N* 0001-2009-AT/TC of the Constitutional Court that confirms the constitutionality of the Law on Organization and Functions of the Military Police Jurisdiction —Law N* 29182.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Custodio Vegas, Gianfranco
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
The foundation of the penalty has been one of the most discussed topics in Criminal Law, by philosophers and jurists throughout history. The importance of determining its foundation lies in the need to justify its use, to prevent it from appearing an arbitrary act on the part of the state in use of the lus Puniendi and thus avoid a crisis that could ultimately lead to the dissolution of the state by a general disapproval of its inhabitants or a kind of "Regime of Terror" like the one that occurred between 1793 - 1794 in France. At present, under the liberal system and a mode of government of social democratic ideology, the penalty is based on the so-called Mixed or Unitary theory, which maintains that "the penalty must repress taking into account guilt and proportionality with respect to to the criminal act and at the same time prevent the commission of new crimes" in this way a balance is achieved between the two preponderant theories in criminal doctrine, the Absolute Theories and the Relative Theories.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Leesen, T.G.; Tellegen-Couperus, O.E.
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
In the early Roman Principate, two law schools existed in Rome, the Sabinian or Cassian school and the Proculian school. Nearly all the prominent jurists of that time belonged to either the one or the other. The representatives of these law schools defended opposite positions over several points of private law, which are known in modern literature as the school controversies. The main sources that mention these school controversies are Gaius” Institutiones and Justinian's Institutiones, Digesta, and Codex.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Sánchez Velásquez, Katia Cristina
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
Since ancient times, human beings have organized ourselves in more or less complex societies, around centers of power that most likely originated from family authority figures, whether maternal or paternal, so that in many cultures the king he was considered the father of the town; Since then, as social groups have increased in size and complexity, this figure of authority began to be exercised by defined social groups, such as the nobles, whose kinship with the monarch meant a privileged position within the community." Before the birth of democracy, most of the states were governed by the aristocracies, which, as we know, was the government of a small group of people who generally came from noble families.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Gil Nunez, Juan Antonio
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
Within human behaviors is the crime, the same that is divided into different phases that contains the Iter Criminis. We could mention that initially there is a starting point, ideation and preparatory acts for the event to be carried out and finally a result that incurs a certain type. However, in the intermediate process there are circumstances that interrupt the action that is proposed to be carried out and that appear due to accidental, voluntary or natural causes. This is how the "failure" of the act and the non-consummation are translated into the so-called attempt.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Linares Delgado, Patricia Giuliana
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
Politics is a human, intersubjective activity, through which people participate in the affairs of their community. It has been present since times dating back to ancient Greece, where the inhabitants of the Polis were concerned with matters concerning the State. Politics at that time was considered an art, however, in our times, this concept has changed. It should be noted that each member of the community is a politician, but not all live from politics. This is the root of the problem of exclusion and lack of interest of young people in political affairs.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Orna Sánchez, Oswaldo
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
Justice is the main value, which the law tries to achieve through its different expressions. The meaning of justice changes through time, social changes and geographical areas. For some philosophers, justice was one of the notes of divinity; for others, a universal virtue; and for some, science or wisdom, harmony, etc. Thus, for Plato, justice is a characteristic of the city and of each man; for Aristotle, a perfect virtue; for Saint Augustine, love; for Santo Tomás, a fundamental mode of regulation of human relations. Also, many philosophers have developed different theories about justice. The objective of this article is to internalize in the diligent reader moral values ​​for the resurgence of our society in this millennium of great social injustice.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Carpio Leiva, Luis Eduardo
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
The purpose of this paper is to explain custom in a general way, address its concept from different authors, its characteristics, elements, classes, its appearance as a source of Law throughout history and its use in the branches of law will also be seen Right.
Año: 2011
ISSN: 2519-7274, 2410-5937
Suárez López de Castilla, Camilo
Universidad Ricardo Palma, Rectorado
The possibility of questioning the constitutionality of judicial resolutions that restrict personal freedom was not always present in our law. Indeed, the first law that regulated this constitutional process in our country** conceived it as a mechanism that only allowed the protection of the person detained for more than twenty-four hours without a judge having decided on their legal situation”. Although said law contemplated the possibility of directing the habeas corpus against a judicial authority", it must be taken into account that article 16 of the same, expressly excluded from the scope of protection those who were deprived of liberty by virtue of a final sentence. o Arrest warrant: The following cannot use the writ of habeas corpus: 1. The inmates who have been finished off, who have escaped, or those prosecuted with a warrant of imprisonment [...] V. Those who are legally complying with the corporal prison sentence.

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