Revista dirigida a los responsables de la gestión de empresas y organismos e instituciones públicas o privadas proporcionándoles ideas originales y propuestas para la mejora de la competitividad y gobernabilidad de las empresas y los países iberoamericanos en un mundo globalizado. También tiene como objetivo servir a la comunidad científica y universitaria, facilitando la comunicación entre las distintas comunidades universitarias iberoamericanas.
The journal is aimed at the people with responsibility for governing companies or managing public or private bodies and institutions, and its goal is to provide such people with original ideas and innovative proposals to help improve the competitiveness and governability of companies and Latin American countries in a globalized world.
Also aims to serve the regions academic and scientific communities by becoming the publication of reference for new ideas. It will do this by facilitating communication among the various Latin American academic communities, bringing them closer together and structuring them around the study of specific areas, duly analyzed by means of theoretical contributions, practical applications, and real case studies.
Título clave:
Revista Globalización, competitividad y gobernabilidad