La Revista Musical Chilena ha identificado como sus principales áreas de interés, la cultura musical de Chile, considerando tanto los aspectos musicales propiamente tales, como el marco histórico y sociocultural, desde la perspectiva de la musicología y de otras disciplinas relacionadas. Al respecto, considera propuestas de artículos que traten sobre temas vinculados a compositores, ejecutantes e instrumentos de la música de arte, folclórica, popular urbana e indígena, al igual que propuestas de artículos atinentes a manuscritos, investigadores, aspectos teóricos y modelos musicológicos, además de nuevos enfoques de la musicología como disciplina, tanto en Chile como en América Latina. El propósito de la RMCh es el ensanchamiento permanente de los horizontes musicológicos de Chile y América Latina.
The RMCh has identified as its main areas of interest the musics of Chile and Latin America, considered both in terms of the musical aspects themselves, as well as in terms of the historical, social and cultural contexts, from the standpoint of musicology and various other related scholarly disciplines. In this regard, proposals of articles dealing with such topics as composers, performers and instruments of art music, folk music, urban popular music and indigenous music are welcomed, as are proposals of articles dealing with such other topics as manuscripts, scholars, theoretical questions and musicological models as well as new approaches to the musicology as discipline, both in Chile and Latin America. The goal of the RMCh is the continuous broadening of the musicological horizons in Chile and Latin America.