For long, we have noticed the interest on a publishing vehicle of the international community of academics and practitioners on innovation, to support intellectual production in this field. The International Journal of Innovation (IJI Journal) comes out as a result of efforts of researchers linked to distinct nuclei and research/studying groups in Universities around the world. It is an academic publication vehicle on innovation at large. IJI Journal comes out to support scientific research and state-of-the-art knowledge, strategies, models and instruments to innovation. The journal adopts a rather multifaceted approach to the many challenges facing innovation than a narrow or single target on related areas. The journal is international in character and welcomes contributions to the knowledge on innovation with international scope. It is an open, peer-blinded reviewed research-based journal, abiding by the best editorial practices and norms. The international scope of this vehicle is intended inclusive and practical, encouraging the sharing of scientific and practical experiences among groups and people from academia, from industry and from consultancy.