Pasavento. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos toma el nombre de la novela del escritor barcelonés Enrique Vila-Matas, Doctor Pasavento, cuyo protagonista viaja a Suiza tras las huellas de su admirado Robert Walser hasta desprenderse de cualquier atisbo de su propia personalidad y asumir las voces ajenas como si fueran suyas, convirtiéndose de este modo en metáfora y símbolo de la creación literaria.
Desde esta concepción multiforme y plural del proceso artístico, su objetivo es crear una revista de estudios hispánicos dirigida al lector e investigador especializado, y abierta a las diversas manifestaciones artísticas (narrativa, poesía, teatro, cine, cómic) que se han producido en España e Hispanoamérica a partir de 1975.
Pasavento. Revista de Estudios Hispánicos takes its name from Doctor Pasavento, a novel by Spanish writer Enrique Vila-Matas. The main character of the novel travels to Switzerland following the steps of Robert Walser, an author that he admires, in order to get rid of the features of his own personality and to add someone else's voices, as if they were his own voice. That way, the main character of Vila-Matas' novel becomes metaphor and symbol of literary activity.
That is the point of view that Pasavento puts forward, a multiple and multiform understanding of the artistic production. For that reason we have founded a magazine of Hispanic studies that is addressed to a specialized reader and researcher, and opened to different artistic expressions (narrative, poetry, theatre, cinema, comic) that had been created in Spain and Spanish America since 1975.