Ratio Iuris, Revista de Derecho Privado, ISSN 2347-0151, es una publicación semestral de la Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales de la Argentina. Sus trabajos están sujetos a revisión a ciegas. Tiene por misión difundir estudios e investigaciones especializadas en el campo del derecho privado y en particular las reflexiones y resultados científicos que surgen del intercambio de investigadores y profesores de Argentina y del extranjero.
Ratio Iuris, Revista de Derecho Privado, ISSN 2347-0151, is a biannual publication of the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales of Argentina. Its articles are subjected to blind review. Its mission is to disseminate studies and specialized research in the field of private law, in particular regarding thoughts and scientific results arising from the exchange between researchers and professors, in Argentina and abroad. The publication will be organized by the following stable sections: Original Articles, Articles by Invitation, Progress of Investigations and Bibliographic Reviews. Besides, some issues will include a section named Several presenting, interviews, biographical notes, or other collaborations.