es una revista Open Access y sin costo alguno para los autores en cuanto al envío, edición y publicación de sus textos. La revista está dirigida a científicos del área de ciencia y sus especialidades. La revisión, gestión, producción y alojamiento en línea es financiada en su totalidad por el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC).
Science, Environment and Climate
is a scientific publication that aims to contribute to the dissemination of original and unpublished results of basic and applied research on topics of Science, Environment, Climate, meteorology, environmental pollution and social factors that can cause effects on living beings and human activities The purpose of the journal is to present results of work carried out and/or related to the Caribbean related to the natural sciences. Manuscripts may be research articles, review articles, book reviews, reflection articles or brief notes. The publication has a scientific and editorial committee made up of researchers of recognized experience in their areas of expertise. All contributions are submitted to expert peer reviewers who, through a blind review process (anonymity), state in writing the relevance or lack thereof for publishing a paper; this review is double (double blind-review).