Argumentos (ISSN 2525-0469), es una revista digital y científica, editada por el Centro de Perfeccionamiento "Ricardo C. Nuñez" del Poder Judicial de la Provincia de Córdoba. Publica dos números al año (periodicidad semestral), los meses de julio-agosto y noviembre -diciembre. Abarca trabajos de investigación y ensayos originales e inéditos en temáticas relativas a la cultura jurídica y a la administración de la justicia desde una perspectiva transdisciplinaria. Argumentos (ISSN 2525-0469), is a digital and scientific journal, edited by the "Ricardo C. Nuñez" Improvement Center of the Judiciary of the Province of Córdoba. It publishes two numbers a year (biannually), in the months of July-August and November-December. It includes original and unpublished research papers and essays on topics related to legal culture and the administration of justice from a transdisciplinary perspective.
Argumentos (ISSN 2525-0469), is a digital and scientific magazine, edited by the "Ricardo C. Nuñez" Improvement Center of the Judiciary of the Province of Córdoba. It publishes two numbers a year (biannually), in the months of July-August and November-December. It includes original and unpublished research papers and essays on topics related to legal culture and the administration of justice from a transdisciplinary perspective. Argumentos (ISSN 2525-0469), is a digital and scientific journal, edited by the "Ricardo C. Nuñez" Improvement Center of the Judiciary of the Province of Córdoba. It publishes two numbers a year (biannually), in the months of July-August and November-December. It includes original and unpublished research papers and essays on topics related to legal culture and the administration of justice from a transdisciplinary perspective.